We are extremely proud, as HEM Research Center, to be Morocco leading scholarly institution on this problematic and highly urgent issue of women inclusion in the corporate world, referred to by the acronym SAWI, with other university partners in the MENA region. Our research team has been involved for more than two years and will start a new implementing cycle under the supervision of Prof. Manal El Abboubi, who is at the head of our chair on Social Innovation. We here approach gender through the lenses of diversity and socio-economic equity within this particular research chair.
This book, co-signed by Manal El Abboubi and Aziza Mahil, both associate researchers at HEM Research Center, is designed to share with our various stakeholders (scholars, students, officials, decision makers ...) the main findings, arguments, and recommendations that our own research in Morocco and aggregated works with other countries-partners allowed us to gather and redesign for a larger audience than closed circles of specialists.
Faithful to our large-social-impact policy, we consider at HEM Research Center that it is our duty, besides publishing our research results and pathways at specialized journals, to translate them for a wider audience, as a form of social responsibility.
Professeure à l’Université Mohamed V, Rabat. Elle est chercheure associée à HEM Research Center et à EGiD (Etudes sur le Genre et la Diversité en Gestion) à l’Université de Liège (Belgique). Elle détient un doctorat en sciences économiques et de gestion de HEC Ecole de Gestio...
Lire la suite ... [3]Titulaire d’un Ph.D en sciences de la gestion de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) et une d’une M.Sc en marketing aux Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC Montréal), Aziza MAHIL est professeure de gestion à la FSJES de Ainsebaâ, Université Hassan II Casablanca et chercheure associ...
Lire la suite ... [4]