Beybin Kejanlıoğlu
D. Beybin Kejanlıoğlu is professor of communication sciences at İstanbul Aydın University. After completing her MSc on public administration and political science at Middle East Technical University she did her MA on mass communication at University of Leicester as a Chevening scholar. Kejanlıoğlu holds a PhD in communication from Ankara University. She pursued a post-doc research in intellectual history at University of California-Berkeley with a support by Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2003. She is the author of Türkiye’de Medyanın Dönüşümü (The Transformation of Media in Turkey, 2004) and Frankfurt Okulu’nun Eleştirel Bir Uğrağı: İletişim ve Medya (Media and Communication in Critical Terms of the Frankfurt School, 2005). She has edited two books in Turkish, Medya Politikaları (Media Policies, 2001, with S. Çelenk and G. Adaklı) and Zamanın Tozu (The Dust of Time, 2011), and an e-booklet in English, Alternative Media and Participation (2014, with S. Scifo). Her articles on Turkish broadcasting policy, news on Turkey’s EU bid, alternative media and body politics have appeared in journals such as Boğaziçi Journal, Communications, European Journal of Communication and Social Anthropology. She has also published several book chapters on critical media theory, CSO’s and democracy in Turkey and Turkish media. She is currently working on new media and participation, and representations of conflict in media.